Sunday, January 17, 2010

#Film : The One I Love

The types of film/movies interest me;

1. I’m easily intrigue like most people when they see “BASED ON TRUE STORY” [I’m assuming here or my babe would say ‘generalize’], cause I love watching story about ordinary people that do extraordinary things. It inspires me. [Milk, The Blind Side]

2. Film/movies that are executed so well; it makes me forget they’re acting. [The Terminal, Walk the Line, Rendition]
3. Fantasy film/movies but not to the extent of obsessing. [Harry Potter, X-Men, Star Trek]

4. Secret and mystery film/movies. [National Treasure, Da Vinci Code]

5. Colourful and happy film/movies. [The Hangover, The Darjeeling Limited]

6. Love story that makes you wish you were the hero/heroine and cry so much you feel it was based on you. [P/s: I Love U]

7. British film/movies cause God, they’re so witty and different from most US film/movies. [Hot Fuzz, Death at a Funeral]

8. Simple film/movies yet bring the biggest message/moral. [Dan in Real Life, Coyote Ugly]

9. Film/movies that had never been thought or done. [Stranger Than Fiction, The Final Cut]

10. Fashion related film/movies. [Devil Wears Prada, SATC the movie]

11. Cartoons of course!

12. Classic film/movies that is really good not just because people said so. [Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Casablanca]

13. Horror/scary film/movies.

So, what film/movies do you like?

p/s:the listed film in this entry are not the only film that i love and adore.just example of some[bai].


  1. tak tgk star wars ke?

  2.! ko tak tgk star wars ke? haha..

  3. hahahahaahha i like shawshank redemption and green mile...ultimatum!! bai..

  4. i baru hari tu tngk stranger than fiction sikit..ade dvd die tak kwn2?...bai..

  5. hollywood..keep up the good work..coz moviess are one of socialites like us like to talk about..hahha

  6. finkelberry!!! put in more postttt.. im so addictwed to ur blog!!!! bloody hell!!!

  7. haha.. bai.. haha..
    shawshank redemption mmg terbaik bai..

  8. aizat:bukan tue maksud aku.from bai to bitch.duhhh!please look at the new edited edition for this entry(p/s:the listed film in this entry are not the only film that i love and adore.just example of some[bai].btw,aku rasa aku dah khatam STAR WARS masa study trip kami ke KEDAH dulu.DAMN!

    cat[+aizat]:i'll be watching those two film this weekend.aizat,downloadkan movies nie erk.masa futsal nnt aku ambik.tq~

    kalerpalette:i ada DVD burn for STF.tapi bleh tgk kat pc jer lah.nak?how i wish the hollywood directors and actors read this blog cause we're the socialite to watch and listen to.hahahah!

    anonymous;i know who u are!

  9. ooooo u do? im excitedddd...!!!

  10. both shawshank redemption and green mile are from Stephen King novel-based.

  11. beb..aku baru ingat tajuk citer yg aku dok war war kan kat ko..tajuk nye CAVE OF THE GOLDEN ROSES..

  12. yang nie ker?

  13.,why are we talking about this again?u recommended it?

  14. lahar..u tak penah tgk ke cave of the golden rose??...goodness graciouss??!

  15. hoi palat,kalau adeq dah tengok takdelah adeq tny soklan tue kat abg aizat kau tue.kang adeq ajar penggunaan ayat tanya karang marah plak...


ha,nak LAHAR lah tue!