Friday, February 12, 2010

AMERICAN IDOL 9: My favourite HOLLYWOOD WEEK performance!


What a voice! So damn TALENTED



“Eh, jap. Korang tak nak culik Flash sekali ke?” tanya Fi bila sedar derang dah kat highway.

“Takmo. Dia susah sikit nak culik. Tak fun and dia ada curve few kan. Takkan nak patah balik malam karang semata2 nak hantar dia. Jauh oo. Minyak and tol mahal tau.”

“Habis tue aku nie tak payah balik rumah ke?”

“Kau takpe. Boleh tidur rumah kitaorang kan? Kau nak tidur rumah sapa hari nie, Feroq ke aku?”

“Hahaha... Sedap hati korang je kan!”

“Alah, kau jugak yang cakap kami main snooker tak ajak kaulah. Kami keluar kami jelah. Asyik2 nak emo jer. So, kami culiklah kau. Senang. Boleh keluar sekali.”

“Fine. Tapi perlulahkan tak menyempat-nyempat bagi aku ambik seliper!”

Terdengar gelak besar kat bahagian depan kereta Kancil lama yang 2 minggu sebelum ni pernah dirompak. Habis hilang semua barang dan accessory dalam kereta termasuk radio. Lama jugaklah takde hiburan dalam Kancil putih tu.

Defininasi kedai mamak bagi rakan2 dalam Kancil putih ini senang; kedai makan murah tapi boleh lepak selama mungkin. Bagi memastikan macha atau boss, itu selalunya nama yang dipanggil untuk mamak2 ni, tak marah or giving them a double standard look sebab lepak lama sangat walaupun mereka juga bayar untuk apa mereka makan dan minum, Fi dan kawan2nya akan memastikan sekurang2nya satu gelas air masih berisi meskipun hanya ais kosong. Nak sedapkan hati semua pihak, termasuklah Fi dan kawan2nya. Supaya waktu lepak dan bersembang boleh berterusan lama. Konsep at least ada ais kosong ini juga bagi memastikan rasa bersalah dan pressure yang dihadapi oleh Fi tak membuak2.

Kalau ada kat Shah Alam, kedai mamak yang dituju mestilah Restoren De’ Ehsan sebab antara banyak2 kedai mamak kat area rumah Fi, kedai mamak ni paling sedap. Tapi nak diingatkan kat sini komen ini hanya sesuai bagi tahun cerita ini berlaku, iaitu sekitar tahun 2002. Sekarang ni Restoren De’ Ehsan dah tak sehebat dulu lagi. Banyak lagi kedai mamak yang sedap makanannya terutama kuah kari dan dalnya. Dan dengan kemunculan kedai mamak terbaru lagi mewah, Radi Bistro betul2 dekat dengan kolej student tu, memang agak terkapai2lah Restoren De’ Ehsan nak kekal sebagai yang terulung seperti dulu. Kalau Radi Bistro tutup sekali pun baiklah pergi ke kedai mamak Impian, lagi mantap, kata Fi dan kawan2nya.

Kalau kat Sri Rampai pulak, ada satu kedai mamak nie yang selalu dikunjungi oleh Fi dan kawan2nya kalau ada kat area tu. Nama dia Mantap Curry House. Feroq and Fuzz lah yang introduce kedai ni sebab diaorang yang selalu lepak kat kedai ni sebab dekat dengan rumah Fuzz. Selain dekat dengan rumah Fuzz, kedai ni jugak dekat dengan pusat snooker yang Feroq dan Fuzz selalu pergi. Tapi sebab yang paling utama kenapa Feroq dan Fuzz selalu pergi kedai mamak tu ialah kerana kat kedai mamak tu dia orang boleh baca surat khabar free sambil makan dan minum.

Kedai mamak tu.... “Eh, kejap2. Boleh baca paper free?” “Ha a”. Itu yang dikatakan oleh Feroq dan Fuzz lah. Dan selama itu jugaklah Fi dan Flash mati2 percaya akan fatwa tu. Sebab selama Fi dan Flash pergi ke kedai tu, selama tu jugaklah dia orang ‘diajar’ agar berbuat demikian. Yang mana beberapa tahun selepas itu baru Fuzz dan Feroq beritahu dia orang pun tak pasti boleh ke tidak buat camtu sambil gelak besar mengenang cerita silam tu. “Dah lah ambik kat depan kedai tu yang ntah ya ntah tidak Mantap Curry House yang jual paper2 tue, pastu dah baca tak reti buka and baca elok2 pulak tue. Baca macam kita punya pulak. Pastu tinggal je kat atas meja macam tak bersalah!” Gelak ketawa lagi. “Kalau lah hidup korang tak aman tenteram besar nanti, tahu lah kenapa. Kena sujud mintak ampun kat macha2 kat Mantap Curry House tue!” Gelak ketawa berderai2 lagi. Lebih2 lagi si Fuzz. Hilang ilmu, bisik Flash dalam hati.

“Nak buat apa lepas nie?” tanya Fi.

“Ntah. Tak fikir lagi part tu. Ingat nak culik je!”

Gelak campur sumpah seranah dalam kereta.

“Minum petang dulu”, ayat tanya pendapat pada masa sama memberikan perintah mesti ikut dengan nada suara serius dari Feroq.

Fi tengok Fuzz. Fuzz tengok Fi. Gelak lagi.

“Ok!” dengan nada mengejek serentak Fi dan Fuzz.

Gelak sambil “Cam haram!” dari Feroq.

Lebih kurang sejam kemudian sampai jugak kereta Kancil putih tu kat Sri Rampai yang dipandu oleh Feroq. Fi mengeluh sebab traffic jam yang amat teruk. Nasib baik hujan; terpaksa tutup tingkap, so sejuk. Kalau panas terik tadi memang bahana lah sebab demi menjimatkan minyak, taktik budak2 lepas SPM takde duit, mereka terpaksa buka tingkap kereta. Beberapa tahun kemudian baru mereka terbaca yang bahawasanya membuka tingkap lebih memakan minyak dari pakai aircond. Sadis.

Setiba je dekat pintu masuk Mantap Curry House tangan Feroq dah mencapai STAR hari ni dan membacanya sambil jalan ke arah meja yang kosong. Sorang macha datang ambik order.
“Teh ais”

“Limau ais”

“Teh tarik. Makan nanti dulu.”
Macha berlalu.

“Kau tak baca lagi ke paper hari ni?” jeling Fi kat Feroq.
“Dah. Saje je nak baca lagi.”

Maka dengan kerana saja itu lah satu lagi surat khabar kat Mantap Curry House renyuk, tak disusun kemas macam belum dibaca, kotor terkena kari kepala ikan serta ditinggalkan atas meja begitu saja.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

LIST # 7; Dating Tips : 10 Signs He's/She's Not the One!


Some people say they "just knew" that they were dating their future spouse. But what about the rest of us? What happens when you're not sure if he's The One? If you're considering long-term commitment or marriage, it's time to ask yourself some tough questions.
Below, 10 signs that may indicate he's/she's not for you.

1. You have a list of things he/she needs to stop doing/saying/wearing if he/she wants your relationship to work. If you're fixating on his/her flaws, he's/shes either not the one you want or you're not ready for a serious relationship. Cutting him/her loose allows you time to grow and gives you the opportunity to meet a guy/girl whose flaws you can embrace -- or at least accept.

2. You don't trust him/her. A small dose of jealousy can be healthy, but if you're hacking into his/her email account, and going berserk when he/she goes out without you, something's wrong. If there's something about him/her that truly warrants your distrust, then perhaps he's/shes not the right one for you.

3. You avoid conflict at any cost. Fighting is healthy. And, when done right (in the non-accusatory, rational sort of way), it can be a great way to air grievances, fix problems in your relationship, and come to a deeper understanding of each other. Ignoring problems is not the same as having no problems at all... even if it looks that way.

4. When you're sad, you don't turn to him/her for comfort. When you're a giant ball of tears and snot, do you lock yourself into the bathroom so he/she can't see you at your worst? If you're worried about scaring him/her away, one of you isn't ready for total commitment. Mr./Mrs Right should make you smile through your tears and be a calming, not stressful, presence.

5. One of you is struggling with an addiction. He's/Shes sweet. He's/Shes exciting. He/She loves you very much. But he/she loves his/her alcohol habit or his/her weekly gambling fix more. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can change him/her or that your relationship will be strong enough to withstand the heartache that addiction will inevitably bring. An addict may be able to change, but he'll/she'll do so on his/her own terms.

6. You can't really imagine him/her as the father/mother of your children. Ask yourself: Would he/she make a great parent? Is he/she financially responsible? Would he/she be an equal partner in your future together? If you have doubts, he's/shes probably not the one.

7. Your long-term, non-negotiable goals in life are incompatible. You want kids; he/she doesn't. You go to house of prayer every week; he's/she an atheist. He/She lives in the country and doesn't want to move; you can't imagine ever leaving the city. Superficial differences can be overcome, but differences in basic values are harder to smooth over. Ask yourself: "Would I be willing to compromise on this?" If the answer is absolutely not, you may not be right for each other.

8. You don't respect each other. He/She puts you down in front of your friends and complains about you to his/her parents. You roll your eyes when he/she talks because there's just something about him/her that embarrasses you. A relationship without respect can't sustain itself.

9. You're not attracted to him/her. Physical intimacy is a hugely important component of a romantic relationship. If he/she doesn't do it for you, he's/shes probably not your best long-term match.

10. On paper he/she seems great, but you have this strange feeling... Don't ignore your gut. You may get along on a superficial level, but if your instincts are telling you he's/she's not the one for you, listen. That little voice inside your head does not lie.

11. Find somebody that u can talk with. happy and easy to talk with. that can make u and him/her laugh. cause its very important. life gets harder and harder and u will need someone to talk with. and sooner or later the sex part is not the glue to ur marriage.

Monday, February 8, 2010


hi uall!

adeq nak cerita kesah adeq semalam masa gie pasar malam. adeq nie asyik2 cerita kesah2 memalukan jah. pastu jual cerita and buka clevage kat public ala2 jual sayur. kalau suatu hari adeq TERjoin AF ker kan.mesti femes awal sebab kesah2 memalukan nie tersebar satu Mesia. sah2 undian tertinggi mengalahkan Mawi.

anyway, semalam pukul 8 lebeh adeq pergi pasar malam dekat umah adeq.terasa nak makan popia plak tiba2. petang tue mula2 plannya nak gie minum sambil jadi pakar kaunseling tak berbayar dengan bitches2 adeq.tapi kensel. akak palat ada emergency. sian... so adeq pon pergilah pasar sbb dah jadi free plak malam semalam.

lepas dah tercapai impian nak beli popia, adeq pon jalan2 lagi kat pasar malam tue. TIBA2 adeq rasa lain macam. macam ade benda dalam seluar pendek adeq..rasa teramat sangat tak selesa menghantui...aper nie?

ya rabbi! apakah????!!!!!
punggung JLO adeq dah mengecik ker sejak2 jadi pekerja buruh nie? ker getah G-STRING adeq yang membesar tahap gorilla lalu jatuh

yang penting adeq balik umah berjalan kaki semalam ala2 terberanak dalam seluar[ha,cuti lagi seminggu konon2 beranak], jalan hengkot-hengkot,terkial2,terkedek2...sangat tak selesa. dengan makanan kanan kiri tangan. dahlah separuh pasar malam tue adeq berjalan cam gitu. nak sampai umah pon dekat 10minit dari pasar ke rumah adeq...

S I A L !!!!!!!!

LIST #6 : 15 simple ways to be happier in 2010



"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." ~ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

With Marcus Aurelius Antoninus' quote in mind, I invite you to explore these 15 Simple Ways to create happiness in 2010!

1. Be your own BFF (best friend forever). Enjoy your own company. Embrace everything about you! Without a doubt, it's the most important step towards being a happy person.

2. Smile, giggle, snicker, or chuckle! Smiling releases serotonin in the brain, which instantaneously gives your mood a lift.

3. Dream big in every area of life. Set your life in motion and manifest your heart's desire.

4. Shut the doors and the windows tight! And then put on your favorite song and sing out loud. Let it rip!

5. Cook a healthy, delicious meal. Serve it up pretty and savor the flavor, one bite at a time.

6. Expect a miracle. Believe that something wonderful will happen for you today. The universe is waiting to shower happy blessings on you.

7. Meditate, pray and chant. Research shows that people who are spiritual tend to be happier and healthier than those who are not.

8. Pull up your best pair of warm socks. Wiggle your toes and enjoy a cozy kind of bliss.

9. Sleep baby sleep. Seven or eight hours each night should increase your energy and decrease your moodiness.

10. Count your blessings daily. Gratitude, the emotion of thankfulness, is one of the key ingredients for living a happy life. Make gratitude a habit and happiness will be yours.

11. Wake up early! Start the day off on a happy foot, with a happy thought. The morning hours are full of spiritual energy and prana (life force).

12. Let the sun shine in. 20 minutes of sunlight per day improves mood and wards of Seasonal Affection Disorder (SAD).

13. Take a hot bath. Feel the tension melt away as you sink into a pool of happiness.

14. Say "Good Job!" Give yourself permission to pat yourself on the back. Recognize your accomplishments and positive qualities.

15. Happiness is contagious! Surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values, your goals and dreams [which is me]

ADEQ LAHAR cuti BERANAK seminggu!

HI UALL!!!!!!

ampun di pinta sebab dah seminggu adeq tak ke udara melayarkan ayat2 puaka dan lahar ke seantero pelusuk Mesia. adeq tengok adeq seminggu tak ke udara macam takde orang rindu pon. nie adeq nak bersara awal nie. adeq kecewa. peminat tak support adeq....

adeq minggu lepas memang SANGAT2 PENAT nak MATI. adeq menjadi anak solehah menjaga abah adeq di hospital. dia ade surgery. maintainence kepada the last surgery yang die buat utk mata die yang dah kabur. tapi adeq amat happy sebab adeq dapat naik public transport dengan abah adeq lepas surgery masa nak balik umah. die kata ok jer. takde masalah nak naik public transport instead of naik cab all the way. kami naik komuter and Putra LRT sama2. ala2 father-son day out gitu. son ker? hahahahah! but i like. bonding gitu. adeq macam bawak abah adeq tour KL. die bukan biasa naik tren nie.

pas jaga abah adeq kat hospital adeq sebok menjadi buruh kasar.mencari wang demi menyara hidop yang papa kedana ini. penat nak mampos lagi sekali. yelah adeq dah lama gila tak berkerja keras macam nie. last adeq kerja 7BULAN LEPAS! lama adeq berehat kat umah ala2 anak raja selama nie.bila start keje balik ha,takde tenaga dah nak buat kerja2 lain. adeq bukan berkenan sangat pon nak kerja2 buruh nie. adeq terpaksa uall. banyak sangat wedding kawan2 adeq kat seantero MESia tahun nie. so nak pergi semua tue bukan boleh pakai kechantekkan adeq ajer.kena pakai duit uall! sorang kat perak, sorang kat kedah, sorang kat johor, sorang kat terengganu. adeq nie kalau artis and setiap kali kawan adeq kawen pastu jemput adeq menyanyi kat kawen derang-FUHHH! mesti adeq dah kaya raya ala2 Kh*r T*yo masa die TERguna duit rakyat pergi Disneland dulu. OPPSSS! so disebabkan adeq nak jugak pergi kenduri2 kawen kawan adeq nie, adeq terpakalah berkerja keras jadi suruhan orang. nak jadi sundal kat Lorong Haji Taib and Chowkit dah penuh. ha, terpaksalah kerja buruh.

lagipon adeq dah lama sangat tak shopping uall. lama dah takde baju baru and BAG baru. adeq tak sanggup hidup macam nie! adeq nak shopping! tue yang berkerja keras tue. meskipon gaji sket tapi adeq tetap berjuang demi anak2. hahahahahaha!

pastu, wiken plak adeq dari jumaat malam sampai ahad malam sebok dengan futsal-lah, karaoke-lah, main pool-lah, hang out lah, tengok bola-lah [banyak sungguh activiti2 jejan kan..adeq semakin jejan lah uall...hahahahah!]...sebok sangat sepanjang wiken...isu negara nie.hahahahha.makin tak sempat nak update finkelberry nie. so adeq konsider cuti beranak lah seminggu lepas....

minggu nie adeq dah stabil sket. so, WELCOME BACK ADEQ LAHAR!

p/s: adeq nak dedicate gambar2 lepas nie kat self-proclaim-akak-lahar atas kesah sedih yang menimpanya baru2 nie. lupakan kesedehan. be happy! sabarlah akak. nnt adeq tolong ngoratkan sekali ustad tue. tapi kalau2 sangkut kat adeq and adeq terpaka tukar nama jadi ustazah lahar adeq tak jamin! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!
