Monday, January 11, 2010

Trying to stand tall

Going through my old note pad I found this one list of lessons I’ve learn after one dark memory of mine during my study. It was the time of all sorrow and if I imagine it again in my head I could cry, again after all these years. It was that depressing.

After going through the heartbreaking incident, I managed to come up with a list of what I ‘achieved’ in the period of mourning and healing. I don’t know if this list will bring any good to others or what benefit will it give to you readers out there but hope is just what I can do. Enjoy!

Thought me:

1. To be cool, calmer

2. Grow my maturity

3. No matter how close you’re with your friends, there are boundaries

4. How stupid people can be because of love

5. There is indeed true friends out there

6. BITCH will always be BITCH. Some people just don’t change

7. Be stronger

8. There is nothing wrong with crying.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with number 1,2,4,5,6,7 and 8. hihihi


ha,nak LAHAR lah tue!